As a licensed clinical nutritionist using a functional medicine approach, I thoroughly examine each case to find effective interventions that address the root cause of the issue. I achieve this through my intake process, where I assess your current diet and environment, consider your diagnosed and undiagnosed health concerns, and when appropriate, collaborate with your healthcare provider. My comprehensive review of your lab results, administered before the initial consultation, along with your stated concerns, will establish the groundwork for setting goals and crafting strategies. Given that the journey of healing and forming new habits requires time, repetition, and adjustments, the 12-weekly session package has proven to be successful in ensuring positive outcomes. This package includes the following: 1. An initial call to determine our ability to work together. 2. Comprehensive intake form completion and lab administration before our first meeting in person or via Zoom 3. A 90-minute initial consultation where we review the forms and lab results, and together we will set achievable, and measurable goals. Supplements may be recommended at this time. 4. A one-hour, follow-up meeting in person or via Zoom no later than one week after the initial consultation to re-evaluate our goals and answer any questions. 5. Nine weekly 30-minute meetings via phone or Zoom to answer questions, check in on the goals, and make adjustments if needed. 6. A one-hour meeting during the last week of the program will include the review of the follow-up Medical Questionnaire, along with a second round of extensive lab administration and analysis, to assess progress and identify our next steps. Cost: $2500 (includes 2 Comprehensive Wellness Panel Lab tests) Supplements can be ordered through my practitioner accounts with a 15% discount.
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